Followers of this blog will know that I am an active and practicising Rosicrucian, belonging to a number of different orders (including the SRIA; the Order of the Rose and Cross; and the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross) and posting pieces on practical Rosicrucianism alongside the new pamphlets that I’ve contributed to from the Province of Greater London for the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia.
I’m delighted to share with you today the newly launched SRIA London website. This website, produced by the Province of Greater London, is an online resource designed to unlock much of the material that has been produced by London fratres over 150+ years.
It will also contain details about forthcoming events and meetings as organised by the Metropolitan Study Group, an esoteric research body open to all, including non-members, that has been operating since 1902.
More research papers, archive materials, pamphlets and other items will be added over the coming months. For those interested in the history of this important esoteric order – particularly that which emerged out of London, where it was first founded in 1867 – the Transactions section of the website has some excellent materials, already containing dozens of PDF downloads of the Metropolitan College Transactions from the 1880s onward.
We hope that you enjoy these materials and they assist all those seeking more information for both spiritual and research purposes. Please do sign up to the mailing list if you would like to be informed of new materials as they are added on a fortnightly basis.
Click here to visit the SRIA London website