Category Archives: Science & Environment

Shell and Cosan form new $7bn biofuel venture

Multinational petroleum company Royal Dutch Shell, has just signed a new agreement with Brazilian company Cosan – promising $2bn of the petroleum giant’s cash to merge with $5bn worth of assets already in place.Continue Reading

Robot maids and the human-tech future?

As with most things of a robotic nature, it seems that Japan and Korea are the places to watch for any significant advancements – particularly when concerned with consumer products. The latest announcement coming out of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology continues this trend with their latest demo of a pair of domestic robots that are capable of autonomous movement and activity within the household.Continue Reading

Relief needed for Haiti

It’s always with great sadness that a call-out for relief and aid needs to be made after a catastrophic event, and the recent earthquake disaster in Haiti is no different. Haiti is a country that has inspired me in many different ways, so I wanted to use today’s post to highlight the very real need for charitable donations and help for the millions that have been affected by this disaster.Continue Reading

The Future of Future Conscience: An experiment in comments

A quick update for you all today, and one that I’m going to use just to run a very quick experiment…or possibly more of a call-out. Future Conscience has now been running for about 4 months, and in that time we’ve covered quite a wide range of topics and have seen small but consistent growth in our readership. There is still one thing that concerns me about the site, which is that we really aren’t getting many comments from our readers!Continue Reading

10 sectors to watch over the next decade (part 5)

So we’ve come to the final installment in my ’10 sectors to watch’ series, and I can definitely say that it’s been difficult cutting down the list to just ten. I’m going to finish today with two sectors that both represent social changes rather than merely technological ones.Continue Reading

10 sectors to watch over the next decade (part 4)

We’re almost at the end of our ’10 Sectors’ series, and today I’ve got some big ones for you. Whilst many of the others that have previously been mentioned will have a massive impact on global society as a whole, the two sectors I’ll be highlighting today will undoubtedly impact everybody reading this.Continue Reading