Category Archives: Science & Environment

Future crops could be saved by drought-proof gene

Researchers at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia, have recently discovered a particular plant gene that could be used to grant drought-proof traits to future crops such as wheat or rice.
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AAAI to report on the danger of artificial intelligence

The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) over in California have collected together a group experts to formulate a report on the dangers of ‘smart robots’. It is an exercise in scenario visualisation that will bring a realistic and informed eye onto the impact of truly independent and intelligent technology.Continue Reading

Google Powermeter launches in the UK

Google Powermeter is an online tool that helps you track power consumption in your household and view graphical statistics that show the usage over time. In many ways, it’s the Google Analytics of household carbon emissions.Google Powermeter is an online tool that helps you track power consumption in your household and view graphical statistics that show the usage over time. In many ways, it’s the Google Analytics of household carbon emissions.Continue Reading

Desertec aims to use the Sahara to harness power

An interesting article over on New Scientist today about the Desertec project, a German initiative which looks like it might receive a substantial amount of investment from a conglomerate of corporations.Continue Reading

Friday Link Roundup: Artificial Intelligence

Something I’ve decided to begin today, and which will continue each Friday, is a weekly roundup of useful or interesting links. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at five interesting articles from the past week that cover the field of artificial intelligence.Continue Reading

Sentient City exhibition in NYC explores future use of technology

I’ve just found word of a great exhibition being held at the moment in New York – called ‘Toward the Sentient City’ – which showcases various reactions to the future use of technology in society.  There are some great installations set up, many of which blur the line between art and prototype fantastically well.  TheContinue Reading