Learn about TTIP today, contact your MEPs on phone, email, social media right now. Make a stand and be counted!… Continue Reading
Learn about TTIP today, contact your MEPs on phone, email, social media right now. Make a stand and be counted!… Continue Reading
Here’s five of the top futurist news items of the week ending 6th June 2015… Continue Reading
Virtual Reality will prove, in many examples over time, to be anti-social. Which is why we should not shy away from the question, and cannot allow ourselves to hide from the plausible repercussions of this new technology.… Continue Reading
Computational Intelligence Unconference (also known as CI Unconference). Our first CI Unconference will be on the 26th July 2014, at the BT Centre in London, England.… Continue Reading
Another year, some more predictions on the Future Conscience blog. Here are seven trends to look for in 2014.… Continue Reading
Crowdsourced funding is going from strength to strength these days, and when the Pebble ePaper Watch achieved more than 10,000% of its funding goal to raise $10,266,845 the new era had officially arrived.… Continue Reading