Tag Archives: ethics

10 sectors to watch over the next decade (part 3)

Now that we’re onto part three, I wanted to bring up two more sectors that we’ve focused quite a lot on here at Future Conscience. They are sectors that the first decade of the 21st century really proved the validity of, and solidified both of them as central to our collective vision of future society. Continue Reading

10 sectors to watch over the next decade

To mark the end of 2009 and the beginning of the new upcoming decade, I wanted to bring you a series of posts that will look at the sectors of knowledge, technology and human progress that are going to see some astounding changes throughout the upcoming years. These sectors will be at the forefront of what will be seen as progress, and will more than likely change our lives so drastically that we will have difficulty reconciling the new existence with the one that we are currently living within.Continue Reading

Recognising UN International Anti-Corruption Day

Today is the UN International Anti-Corruption Day, an annual event that has been happening since 2003 in an attempt to shed light on corporate and government corruption in its many forms. The day is intended to raise awareness about corruption and also to highlight the role of the United Nations Convention against Corruption.Continue Reading

Copenhagen summit hit by new ‘Danish Text’ leak controversy

We’re only two days into the two week long Copenhagen summit and another controversial document has been leaked that is causing negotiations to falter at this early stage. Earlier we had the ‘ClimateGate’ scandal in relation to the series of emails that were released by some unknown hackers, and today comes words of a new leaked document that is highlighting a prejudice towards richer countries against developing ones.Continue Reading

Friday Link Roundup: Corruption and Unethical Business

Corruption can be found in every area of society; from government, to corporations, to individuals. The core similarity that they all have is the willingness of those who participate to act unethically in order to profit unfairly at others’ expense.Continue Reading

Site of the Week: Wikileaks

Wikileaks is an exercise in decentralised information gathering, not vulnerable to the attacks of vested interests and open to all who wish to post important leaked documents or to act as whistleblowers.Continue Reading