Tag Archives: ethics

Sentient City exhibition in NYC explores future use of technology

I’ve just found word of a great exhibition being held at the moment in New York – called ‘Toward the Sentient City’ – which showcases various reactions to the future use of technology in society.  There are some great installations set up, many of which blur the line between art and prototype fantastically well.  TheContinue Reading

FTC looks to punish dishonest bloggers

ReadWriteWeb has reported on recent guidelines released by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that will allow them to fine bloggers who do not disclose their connections to companies and affiliates when endorsing a product.

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Singularity Summit 2009 begins tomorrow

Tomorrow (October 3rd) marks the beginning of the annual Singularity Summit held by the Singularity Institute in New York. The summit brings together many of the leading thinkers in the field of singularity philosophy.

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Augmented Reality: The good, the bad, and the ugly (part two: the bad)

Last week, we explored some of the positive ways that augmented reality will be used in the near future – and today we are going to explore some of the negative, or bad, applications that are on the horizon.

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The Neuroscience of Buddhist meditation and spiritual practice

A video covering some of the latest thinking within the neuroscience community on the physiological effects of spiritual practice within the brain – with a particular focus on Buddhist mindfulness meditation.

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The Ethics of Human Enhancement

The Human Enhancement Ethics Group has just released a report that looks at some of the possible ethical issues that will surround any growing use of human enhancement technologies.

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