Tag Archives: future

Secular Spirituality: Sacred acts, profane thoughts

With today’s post I want to embark a bit more upon this new direction that I spoke about last week, a direction that was going to be infused with more of a spiritual understanding and voice in an attempt to move away from the purely neutral ‘Wikipedia’ tone that some of my news posts were guilty of. What I’ve picked as a topic to start this new tone is one that has always interested me and is becoming increasingly more important and central to modern life in the developed world: secular spirituality.Continue Reading

Chip-and-PIN security flaw highlights blind faith in technology

This is an interesting type of story that we hear about in mainstream media every now and then – and that is the finding of security weaknesses in widespread technology, particularly those that deal with financial transactions of one kind or another. This time around, it’s flaws in the Chip-and-PIN technology that is widely used in credit and debit cards throughout Europe and particularly the UK. Continue Reading

Aircruise: the future of luxury travel?

London-based design group Seymourpowell, in conjunction with Samsung Construction and Trading (C&T), have released some very interesting and original design plans for the ‘Aircruise’ project – a new mode of transportation which is essentially a floating apartment block. The designs are causing some interesting reactions, and certainly gaining the kind of press that they were seeking, if only because the concept is a highly original one when we consider our current modes of transportation.Continue Reading

Will Google abandon China?

Over the past week a pivotal standoff has been occurring between the world’s largest supplier of information and the world’s largest censor of information. The Google vs. China conflict has been gaining momentum over recent years, and it has all come to a head in the last few days over alleged hacker attacks on human rights activists email accounts – with Google refusing to censor its findings within China for a few days, and even talk of the company removing its enterprise from the country altogether.Continue Reading

Robot maids and the human-tech future?

As with most things of a robotic nature, it seems that Japan and Korea are the places to watch for any significant advancements – particularly when concerned with consumer products. The latest announcement coming out of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology continues this trend with their latest demo of a pair of domestic robots that are capable of autonomous movement and activity within the household.Continue Reading

Tech industry to rebound in 2010?

Business news sites around the web are abuzz with the latest market forecasts provided in a report by Forrester Research, an independent research company that is predicting that the technology industry will see over an 8% increase in spending globally throughout 2010.Continue Reading