Tag Archives: future

10 sectors to watch over the next decade (part 5)

So we’ve come to the final installment in my ’10 sectors to watch’ series, and I can definitely say that it’s been difficult cutting down the list to just ten. I’m going to finish today with two sectors that both represent social changes rather than merely technological ones.Continue Reading

10 sectors to watch over the next decade (part 4)

We’re almost at the end of our ’10 Sectors’ series, and today I’ve got some big ones for you. Whilst many of the others that have previously been mentioned will have a massive impact on global society as a whole, the two sectors I’ll be highlighting today will undoubtedly impact everybody reading this.Continue Reading

10 sectors to watch over the next decade (part 3)

Now that we’re onto part three, I wanted to bring up two more sectors that we’ve focused quite a lot on here at Future Conscience. They are sectors that the first decade of the 21st century really proved the validity of, and solidified both of them as central to our collective vision of future society. Continue Reading

10 sectors to watch over the next decade (part 2)

Continuing our brief look at a number of areas that are well worth keeping an eye on and making sure you are informed about any news or events surrounding them.Continue Reading

10 sectors to watch over the next decade

To mark the end of 2009 and the beginning of the new upcoming decade, I wanted to bring you a series of posts that will look at the sectors of knowledge, technology and human progress that are going to see some astounding changes throughout the upcoming years. These sectors will be at the forefront of what will be seen as progress, and will more than likely change our lives so drastically that we will have difficulty reconciling the new existence with the one that we are currently living within.Continue Reading

Friday Link Roundup (on Monday): Scientific Advancement

As our Site of the Week last week was the Scientific American website, the link roundup will be focusing upon recent scientific advancements and progress. Rather than pointing to articles that are very conceptual or too hypothetical, I wanted to highlight some recent studies and events that point to solid findings or breakthroughs.Continue Reading