Tag Archives: future

Site of the Week: Scientific American

This week, the site in question definitely comes with more mainstream awareness – so I do expect pretty much all of you to have heard of it – but I’m presuming that many of you don’t visit it on a regular basis, which is a shame. This week’s Site of the Week is a fantastic resource, so I present to you the Scientific American website.Continue Reading

Bionic hand brings mind/tech cohesion one step closer

A very interesting report over at The Telegraph which looks at recent advances in the creation of a prosthetic hand that is controlled through thought. The hand brings the ability for tactile sensation, which is a remarkable feat and will literally revolutionise our use of prosthetics in the future.Continue Reading

7 ways to live longer so that you might live forever

There has been a lot of discussion amongst the futurist crowd recently about projections for longevity advancements over the next 50 years. So what are some ways that you can live longer in order to be able to benefit from these advancements?Continue Reading

EU consumer organisations launch nanotechnology inventory

The European Consumers’ Organisation (BEUC) and the European consumer voice in standardisation (ANEC) have just published a list of products sold in the EU that contain nanomaterials. The move comes as a reaction to what they perceive as a lack of safety regulation and precautions in what is still a field with unknown impacts on consumers.Continue Reading

Future crops could be saved by drought-proof gene

Researchers at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia, have recently discovered a particular plant gene that could be used to grant drought-proof traits to future crops such as wheat or rice.
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Sentient City exhibition in NYC explores future use of technology

I’ve just found word of a great exhibition being held at the moment in New York – called ‘Toward the Sentient City’ – which showcases various reactions to the future use of technology in society.  There are some great installations set up, many of which blur the line between art and prototype fantastically well.  TheContinue Reading