Expectations were set high for the British Library’s most recent look at the history of propaganda – the methods it uses, the topics it focuses on and the ubiquity of its existence.… Continue Reading
Expectations were set high for the British Library’s most recent look at the history of propaganda – the methods it uses, the topics it focuses on and the ubiquity of its existence.… Continue Reading
Crowdsourced funding is going from strength to strength these days, and when the Pebble ePaper Watch achieved more than 10,000% of its funding goal to raise $10,266,845 the new era had officially arrived.… Continue Reading
Futurist thinking is starting to become mainstream. We need a world filled with futurists – so are you ready to call yourself one?… Continue Reading
Since the new year must bring some new predictions here are nine areas that I think will see important milestones or changes in public sentiment in 2013.… Continue Reading
For a futurist, this period of gift-giving is a great time to canvas cutting edge products to see how the technological trends we like to observe are making their way into mainstream use.… Continue Reading
The latest exhibition from the Wellcome Collection – Superhuman: Exploring Human Enhancement from 600 BCE to 2050 – is another great offering, but maybe one that could pack a little more punch.… Continue Reading