Tag Archives: futurist

Top 10 Futurist Movies

Top 10 futurist movies, each film had to focus on futurist themes such as technology or an examination of utopian/dystopian society. I will explain with each choice just what these themes are exactly, but it’s worth keeping in mind that this isn’t just a list of great sci-fi films – but specifically of great films which also have a futurist aesthetic or theme.Continue Reading

7 Random Predictions for the Future

I thought that with today’s post we could get back to basics and I would present you with a set of futurist predictions for us to all mull over and discuss. So, without further ado, here are seven predictions for the future brought to you by the futurist blog Future Conscience (wow, that’s a lot of future for one sentence!).Continue Reading

Sentient City exhibition in NYC explores future use of technology

I’ve just found word of a great exhibition being held at the moment in New York – called ‘Toward the Sentient City’ – which showcases various reactions to the future use of technology in society.  There are some great installations set up, many of which blur the line between art and prototype fantastically well.  TheContinue Reading