Here are 25 futurist quotes to inspire you…… Continue Reading
Here are 25 futurist quotes to inspire you…… Continue Reading
When pivot points emerge it’s vital that we take advantage of the positive sentiment for change and push the dial even further towards a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.… Continue Reading
Announcement of the fourth annual Philip K Dick Science Fiction Film Festival – to be held in January 2016. Submissions are now open for film entrants.… Continue Reading
Here’s five of the top futurist news items of the week ending 6th June 2015… Continue Reading
Welcome to Day 5 of the month of daily updates! It’s somewhat strange to think that this blog has now been going for almost six years, and I’ll be putting down some more thoughts about that as we progress through this month. For today, a relatively quick update but one that will probably be of… Continue Reading
Today marks the start of a new project here on Future Conscience, I will be posting an update every day this month!… Continue Reading