Tag Archives: government

Sinking of Pirate Bay and the future of file sharing

So anybody who has much of an internet presence has heard by now that The Pirate Bay has been shut-down for good by their ISP following further legal action and judgments in Swedish court. This whole episode brings to the forefront the need for further discussion about the ethics of file-sharing and even creative intellectual rights as a whole.

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Australian Government continues to fund Exclusive Brethren “cult”

ABC News in Australia is today reporting that the current government continues to provide funding for schools run by a controversial religious movement called the Exclusive Brethren.

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Average of 1,500 surveillance requests made each day in the UK

If you are still one of the few individuals doubting that the United Kingdom is increasingly becoming a surveillance state, a recent report from the Interception of Communications Commissioner, Paul Kennedy, may just make you change your mind.

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