Tag Archives: internet

Friday Link Roundup: Hackers and Cyberwarfare

I’m bringing back the Friday Link Roundup today with an interesting topic that is starting to see more coverage across various media outlets again: Cyberwarfare.Continue Reading

Site of the Week: Electronic Frontier Foundation

Given the focus over the last few posts on internet censorship and freedom of expression, I wanted to highlight an organisation that has been at the forefront of the fight for liberty ever since the early days of the internet’s public use – the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).Continue Reading

The Great Australian Internet Blackout

Continuing on with the internet censorship theme, this week marks The Great Australian Internet Blackout – a campaign orchestrated by activist Jeff Waugh and supported by the Electronic Frontiers Australia in protest against government plans to push forward legislation that will lead to blanket censorship of the internet for Australian users.Continue Reading

Will Google abandon China?

Over the past week a pivotal standoff has been occurring between the world’s largest supplier of information and the world’s largest censor of information. The Google vs. China conflict has been gaining momentum over recent years, and it has all come to a head in the last few days over alleged hacker attacks on human rights activists email accounts – with Google refusing to censor its findings within China for a few days, and even talk of the company removing its enterprise from the country altogether.Continue Reading

Microsoft to lower Bing IP logs to six months

If you’re concerned at all about your online privacy, then the recent announcement from Microsoft that it will be lowering IP logging on its search engine Bing to six months will come as welcome news. There has been some concern over Google’s policy of retaining such data for around two years, and Microsoft seems to be directly marketing the difference to those users who are more security aware.Continue Reading

10 sectors to watch over the next decade (part 4)

We’re almost at the end of our ’10 Sectors’ series, and today I’ve got some big ones for you. Whilst many of the others that have previously been mentioned will have a massive impact on global society as a whole, the two sectors I’ll be highlighting today will undoubtedly impact everybody reading this.Continue Reading