Wikileaks is an exercise in decentralised information gathering, not vulnerable to the attacks of vested interests and open to all who wish to post important leaked documents or to act as whistleblowers.… Continue Reading
Wikileaks is an exercise in decentralised information gathering, not vulnerable to the attacks of vested interests and open to all who wish to post important leaked documents or to act as whistleblowers.… Continue Reading
Well, the results have come in and I’m very happy to say that Future Conscience has one the Rookie Blogger of the Year contest that was being held by Tycoon Blogger! Have to say a big thank you to everybody who voted for us, with 23% of the vote we certainly have been encouraged to continue doing what we’ve been doing – just even more so!… Continue Reading
Today, the Royal Society have released a new website in order to start gearing up for this year of festivities called Trailblazing. Trailblazing is a timeline website that contains many groundbreaking scientific articles, papers and letters that have never before been published online in their original format. … Continue Reading
Ethics Newsline, which is a part of the two decade old Institute for Global Ethics, has recently thrown their hat into the ethical blogging ring with a post by Rushworth Kidder. This post attempts to formulate a universal code of blogging ethics.… Continue Reading
The internet has started to hum with disapproval after the recent leak of sections of the secretive Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) meetings that are currently taking place. The negotiations, which are taking place in Seoul, South Korea, are being led predominately by the United States and focus upon methods to enforce copyright and counterfeiting infringements.… Continue Reading
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) officially begins today, with thousands of authors around the globe beginning to put words down in the hopes of reaching the 50,000 word goal by the end of November.… Continue Reading