Over the course of the past 18 months, I have been conducting a series of seven planetary conjurations that have sought communication with the planetary intelligences in order to gain insight into the nature of these celestial beings and seek guidance on my own spiritual path.
This entry involving the conjuration of Nachiel of Sol is the final ritual diary included in this series, following an experience that brought together many of the lessons learned and the new spiritual foundations that I now stand upon. Although it is in some ways a culmination of the work that has been conducted, it is also merely a beginning for everything else that is now able to emerge.
Above all, I continue to have a great deal of respect and gratitude for the experiences that these conjurations have brought. These ritual diaries are published in the hope that they might encourage others to see the value of such workings and not be intimated by what can at first seem to be overly complex practices, but ultimately everything that is needed we already have to hand.
If you haven’t yet read through the other entries in this series, then it is best to start from the beginning as the whole journey has been an evolutionary process that is reflected in the entries over time.
III. Tiriel of Mercury
IV. Malcha of Luna
VI. Graphiel of Mars
I’m pleased to say that, unlike the previous conjuration of Graphiel of Mars, some deeply meaningful experiences were obtained with Nachiel. Although, once again, they highlight that this kind of astromagical theurgy is not a fixed process with entirely predictable results, but rather a dynamic engagement with the cosmos and our role within it as agents of consciousness.
With that, let’s look at the conjuration of Nachiel of Sol in the same manner as the previous workings so that we can get a clear comparison of its process and results.
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