Tag Archives: politics

Can Digital Democracy Work?

What we’re seeing now is recognition that we have entered a transitional period in which the very foundations of civic participation and collective construction of identity have been set free from their historical limitations. From this point we can begin to conceive of new forms of ‘democracy’ that seek to incorporate plurality not only of perspective but also social form and function.Continue Reading

Digital Diplomacy and the Ethics of Future Politics

Thoughts from a digital diplomacy conference discussing how information from social media sources is gathered, verified and used; who are the main actors in the UK and abroad; and what the future of foreign service look like over the next few decades.Continue Reading

The Militarisation of the London 2012 Olympics

The Militarisation of the London 2012 Olympics

Typhoon fighter jets, snipers in RAF helicopters, Royal Navy assault ships, tens of thousands of military personnel, crowd surveillance drones and missile systems on top of apartment blocks. Welcome to London 2012. Welcome to the largest mobilisation of military in this country since the end of WWII.Continue Reading

The 21st Century: A Tale of Paradigm Shifts and Adaptability

There is nothing new about paradigm shifts in human history. The difference that we will face in the 21st century, unlike any other that has come before, is that our ability to create and process new information is accelerating exponentially. It is time to start paying attention, because if we don’t we will be subsumed by the changes brought about through our inattentive stumbling towards the future.Continue Reading

Future Conscience: Taking a slightly different direction

It’s always interesting looking back at work that you have done, trying to gauge whether or not it should be considered successful or worth continuing with. Recently I’ve been going through this process with Future Conscience, wondering just how it will continue into the future and whether or not any changes should be made to the writing style and content.Continue Reading

Anti-terrorism fatwa to be issued by prominent Muslim leader

Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, a prominent Islamic leader is going to issue an incredibly detailed fatwa tomorrow in London that denounces terrorism and suicide bombing in the name of Islam.Continue Reading