Tag Archives: religion

Discussion: Spirituality and Futurism

Today’s discussion surrounds the role of spirituality in futurist dialogue. Is there enough of it? Would you like to see more of it? Basically, to what degree should the often subjective element of metaphysical ideology shape our view of the future and the direction we are heading in?Continue Reading

7 Random Predictions for the Future

I thought that with today’s post we could get back to basics and I would present you with a set of futurist predictions for us to all mull over and discuss. So, without further ado, here are seven predictions for the future brought to you by the futurist blog Future Conscience (wow, that’s a lot of future for one sentence!).Continue Reading

The Rabbi & the Golem: A Parable on Synthetic Life

There was a very exciting announcement recently that synthetic life had been created in a laboratory through the wonderful applications of scientific advancement. Rather than my usual commentary on the ethics of this situation, I thought I would try something different and provide a spiritual parable of sorts about synthetic life. I hope that you enjoy it.Continue Reading

Secular Spirituality: Sacred acts, profane thoughts

With today’s post I want to embark a bit more upon this new direction that I spoke about last week, a direction that was going to be infused with more of a spiritual understanding and voice in an attempt to move away from the purely neutral ‘Wikipedia’ tone that some of my news posts were guilty of. What I’ve picked as a topic to start this new tone is one that has always interested me and is becoming increasingly more important and central to modern life in the developed world: secular spirituality.Continue Reading

Future Conscience: Taking a slightly different direction

It’s always interesting looking back at work that you have done, trying to gauge whether or not it should be considered successful or worth continuing with. Recently I’ve been going through this process with Future Conscience, wondering just how it will continue into the future and whether or not any changes should be made to the writing style and content.Continue Reading

Anti-terrorism fatwa to be issued by prominent Muslim leader

Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, a prominent Islamic leader is going to issue an incredibly detailed fatwa tomorrow in London that denounces terrorism and suicide bombing in the name of Islam.Continue Reading