Tag Archives: society

10 sectors to watch over the next decade

To mark the end of 2009 and the beginning of the new upcoming decade, I wanted to bring you a series of posts that will look at the sectors of knowledge, technology and human progress that are going to see some astounding changes throughout the upcoming years. These sectors will be at the forefront of what will be seen as progress, and will more than likely change our lives so drastically that we will have difficulty reconciling the new existence with the one that we are currently living within.Continue Reading

Site of the Week: Scientific American

This week, the site in question definitely comes with more mainstream awareness – so I do expect pretty much all of you to have heard of it – but I’m presuming that many of you don’t visit it on a regular basis, which is a shame. This week’s Site of the Week is a fantastic resource, so I present to you the Scientific American website.Continue Reading

Quarter of global population now Muslim

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has just released a report that indicates that the global Muslim population is now very close to a quarter of the estimated total population of humankind. About 60% of this population resides in Asia, with Indonesia having the highest proportion with 12.9% of the overall Muslim population worldwide.

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Handheld Learning 2009 conference showcase

Today marked the beginning of the Handheld Learning 2009 conference, which focuses on the use of handheld and mobile technology in the education sphere. Liz and I attended the first day of the conference, which was open to the general public.

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DataMasher increases our access to government statistics

What I want to focus on now is DataMasher – a fascinating programme that allows users to combine different sets of government statistical data to examine geographical correlations between them.

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What do we want to be? Futurists, ethics, and the social conscience

I wanted to take the opportunity today to briefly discuss once more the intent behind Future Conscience and the purpose of the site – to examine the changes in society that we feel are progressive and question the consequences of our path into the future.

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